Welcome to the first episode of Season Five of the Ripple Leader Podcast. In this episode, we remind leaders how normal it is for people to be moving in opposite directions. As a leader, you have a clear picture of where the organization and people go, yet no one seems inspired or interested. Tired of pushing sand up a rope? The good news is in this tension is an opportunity for you and your team to figure out what you really want to make happen, together.
S4. Ep24. What Do You Learn From 20 Years of Leadership Coaching? Pt. 2
In this episode, we are diving further into Chris’s 20 years of leadership coaching. In part one, we focused on leadership and the organization as a whole. But today we’re talking about the lessons Chris has learned related to teams and the individual.
S4. Ep23. What Do You Learn From 20 Years of Leadership Coaching?
S4. Ep22. Leading in 2022 - The Opportunities and Challenges
S4. Ep.21 Would You Follow You? Being the Leader Your Team Needs Pt. 2
Would you follow you? It can be a challenging question. And the intention is not for this to be an indictment. But more of an opportunity for reflection on what you’ve seen other leaders do that you’d like to emulate. And how are you showing up for others, whether you lead them formally or informally. All this and more in this episode of The Ripple Leader Podcast.
S4. Ep. 20 What Have We Learned as Leaders in 2021?
S4. Ep 19 Would You Follow You? Being the Leader Your Team Needs Pt.1
S4. Ep 18 The Great Resignation Pt. 2
S4. Ep 17 The Great Resignation Pt. 1
Work’s changing, and with that change is what has been called “the Great Resignation.” This collective workplace shift has been a great opportunity in thinking about what we are really doing in our work. Our values and what we want out of our jobs are changing.
But what else has led to such a massive shift and how should leaders respond? All this and more in this episode of The Ripple Leader Podcast.