Session 18
Enable eggshell structure. Focus on helping people do their best instead of preventing the worst. In this session, analyze how your organization is doing, how you can better engage with people around systemic issues, and how you can let go of things that no longer serve the organization.
Go beyond the status quo. Organizations naturally decline, so for optimum results, actively experiment and continuously tweak. In this session, explore recent successes and how you measure your successes. Paying attention to your results and making changes with confidence will create a learning organization.
Building deeper connections with each other
Create draft of a next step improvement project
Build connection ice-breaker
Exploring Mattering & Influence
Shifting to Future Thinking
To prepare for session 18, read and reflect with the following resources. Then give us feedback about how these resources support your leadership journey. You can also listen to the Ripple leader podcast for enable an eggshell structure and for go beyond the status quo.