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Session 7

Trust or have nothing. Like oil in an engine, trust makes everything run well. Without it you get friction and struggle. In this session, consider how your actions undermine or build trust.

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Mission first. People second. You? Last. You need to put others’ needs before yours. In this session identify how to get other people’s help to help the organization and share what you believe the other person most needs to reach that objective. Then, ask for what you need to achieve the objective and meet the other person’s needs.



  • Building deeper connections with each other

  • Examine patterns and behaviors that build or diminish trust

  • Use mission first approaches to current challenges


  • Build connection ice-breaker

  • Trust check with each other and consultancies around trust

  • Review of Individual LPI Reports

  • Mission First Worksheet with peer coaching support


To prepare for session 7, read and reflect with the following resources. Then give us feedback about how these resources support your leadership journey. You can also listen to the Ripple leader podcast for trust or have nothing and for mission first. others, second. you? last..

Download the Mission First Worksheet

LPI Development Planner